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Australia and New Zealand

From America’s top-rated brand, choose a gas fireplace, gas fireplace insert, or gas stove to fit your home and lifestyle. Enjoy warmth and comfort in single-sided, see-through, traditional, or modern linear styles.


Heat & Glo SlimLine SL AU Balanced Flue Gas Fireplace with clean face and black glass interior.

3X AU Gas Fireplace

Make the most of your space with the most fireplace for a slender 400mm profile. The popular SL 3X AU gas fireplace is ideal for nestling into tight spots and adding extra comfort to your couch time with energy efficiency.

Heat & Glo SlimLine SL 5X AU Balanced Flue Gas Fireplace with clean face, black glass interior, white surround and mantel.

5X AU Balanced Flue Gas Fireplace

Make the most of your space with the most fireplace for a slender 400mm profile. The popular SL 5X AU gas fireplace is ideal for nestling into tight spots and adding extra comfort with energy efficiency.

Fireplace in home living room

6KX AU Gas Fireplace

Start with the best flame and a large viewing area, and tailor the style and options to make the popular 6KX AU your own. With classic wood-fire beauty, it gives you the look and feel of luxury at a mid-range price.

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AU Series Gas Fireplace Insert

Gather 'round what a fireplace is meant to be: the engaging focal point of your home. With big flames and classic styling, the AU gas fireplace insert gives your old, drafty fireplace a beautiful makeover.

Heat & Glo Mezzo AU 36Ó linear modern indoor gas fireplace with ribbon flame and amber glass on stone wall in living room.

Mezzo Series Gas Fireplace

Make your home part of the future. The Mezzo AU linear indoor gas fireplace adds modern presence with one of the cleanest finishes in the industry, which highlights the ribbon flame and alluring interior end to end.

Heat & Glo Mezzo See-Through AU 48Ó linear gas fireplace on stone wall over bathtub with TV above.

Mezzo Series See-Through Gas Fireplace

Think outside the box, inside your space. The two-sided Mezzo AU modern gas fireplace highlights your style with one of the cleanest finishes in the industry—all in a forward look that keeps up with you.

Heat & Glo SLR-X AU 42" linear indoor gas fireplace with driftwood logs and Thala Beige surround in modern room near pool.

SLR-X AU Gas Fireplace

Set the tone for family-and-friends time with a modern vibe. The SLR-X AU linear indoor gas fireplace fits the trends of our 16:9 ratio world, which is perfect for a TV above. Clean, chic, and affordably yours.